Mothers & Wife's appreciation day

Mothers & Wife's appreciation day

This is celebrated every Mother’s Day in accordance with the British calendar which usually falls into the month of March.

We believe first of all that every mother is first a wife (as we do not encourage reckless lifestyle). We therefore believe also that every wife is a mother whether newly married or still expecting children. That is why as we celebrate Mother’s Day we also celebrate wives.

During this event, husbands and children are encouraged to get befitting gifts for their wives and mothers respectively. We believe strongly in celebrating ourselves while we are still alive (prehumously) not when we are in the hereafter (posthumously).

We therefore encourage you to join in celebrating motherhood and wives when next it is the British version of Mother’s Day as we will look forward to seeing you and your family

Every 3rd Sunday in the month of March
Ikeja Mailand, off Allen Road

have any question? send us a message

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